1.why Choose Us ?
      Simple, Wide range of collections, excellent quality of products, fast delivery, pocket friendly prices ,super customer care support and all this is done with our love.

2. How to Place an Order?
      Select the products you want and add it to the cart. Once done, enter in your details and click on the “place order” button and via the online payment finish the payment process.

3. What is the Time Period for My Order?
     The order will be delivered within 2-4 days.

4. Is the Payment Mode is Safe?
     Yes the payment mode is absolutely safe. Visit payment page to get more info.

5.How do I know my booking/order has been confirmed?
     Once your payment has been successfully made, your booking/order is processed internally (and immediately). Oscrackers customer care support will send a confirmation mail for your booking/order, to the email address associated with your booking/order gmail account. In this mail you will be provided with a unique Booking/Order ID for your reference with our customer service team, a list of the item/s you have booked.

6. How do I make a payment for a oscrackers.in booking?
     We offers multiple methods to make payments for your booking/order: Cash-on-Delivery ,some other ways visit payment page to get more info.

7. Are there any hidden charges when I make a purchase throw online?
     There are absolutely no hidden charges when you make a purchase with us. We offer free delivery for the order of 10,000/- or more otherwise you will be charged by the transport services for the delivery (this amount will vary based on the distances.

8. What is Cash on Delivery (COD)?
     If you do not prefer to make an online payment with us then you have a option Cash-on-Delivery (COD) payment method. With COD you can pay us in cash at the time of actual delivery of product at your doorstep, without requiring of any advance payment.

9. How will the delivery be done?
     We process all deliveries through reputed regular transport services in India.

10. Can I cancel my order?
     You can cancel your order before it is processed and dispatched for delivery. You can call to our customer care support mention your order id they will help You to stop processing your order.

     Yes, and fireworks are increasingly popular throughout the year for weddings, birthdays and even at summer evening barbecues. Remember that demand is high before the month of every diwali and New Year approaches so order early. You can order from our website 365 days a year.

12. Are fireworks about the same price at other firework stands?
     NO!! Because oscrackers buys direct from the manufactures, so we are able to offer some of the lowest prices in indi